Everyone is snapping pictures. All the time.
To Jean Baudrillard, a photograph only attained meaning when it was torn from the „dulling context of the real world“, when it was capable of recollecting and honoring the „silence“ of the object it depicts – by shaping and forming it. More and more, however, this shaping and forming is losing its importance. In an era where photography is ubiquitous, its function has been thrown back to the early days where it was merely perceived as a means to create likeness, verification and proof.
This, photography´s promise of reality, is where Ludwig Rauch´s journey begins. By transforming nature into different states, he creates pictures of nature and about nature – of what nature could be; of how we yearn to see it. Of how it never was; of how it may soon cease to exist. Rauch´s pictures are photography, but they are also fiction. They are stories of a world with no humans; full of beauty and contradiction; full of strange shapes and seemingly unlimited variety. Rauch´s pictures show us what we will lose – not just from the world that surrounds us but from our minds and souls. „Limited Supply Only“ represents exactly that.